A cosmic force and this New York Times article drew us to Stanislav Drokin, the Kharkiv-based master jeweler behind the transformation of iron shrapnel littering his community. I spent parts of years exploring how to do this with identical looking iron shrapnel from Laos - but it was challenging. Drokin's genius unlocked how to work with iron and his determination for a free Ukraine fueled his willingness to partner to raise awareness and funds for humanitarian efforts in his war torn country, supporting MAG (Mines Advisory Group) through Revival Ukraine Collection
Overlapping with the blossoming of our trans-Atlantic friendship, I had been captivated by Netflix's Unknown Cosmic Time Machine documentary about NASA's James Webb telescope and the fact that its photos and findings serve as more evidence that we are stardust (Carl Sagan).
It's mind boggling to think that our ARTICLE22 jewelry is made from two of the most abundant metals on earth, aluminum and iron, which were generated inside collapsing stars. The iron found in our blood is the same that forms the tanks and weapons of the global arms industry. Mother Earth and the elements that course through our veins and unite us all. Yet humans expend more than double forging these materials into a business of destruction instead of a business of creation - of jewelry.